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Candidate Announcement

February 27, 2024

Oly Carlson, Wanguri

Long time Leanyer local and mother Oly Carlson was born and raised in Darwin. Her father came here for the pearling industry in 1937 and later survived the Bombing of Darwin.
With a wealth of experience in the financial services industry, including serving almost 25 years at the Commonwealth Bank in the Darwin CBD, Oly is passionate about seeing more women in senior roles in the sector.
Having been schooled here and raised her own family here, Oly is horrified at the decline in education standards and support for Territory kids.
“Growing up I felt so lucky my Dad chose Darwin for our family. As kids we had an incredible lifestyle and the choice to be whoever we wanted to be.”
“Now, our lifestyle and community has changed, we live in fear and our choices have been taken away.”
“My Mum, who worked so hard for us, now doesn’t feel safe to leave the house alone after being attacked by a gang of youth at Casuarina. Darwin is too important to us, I’m standing up to make a change.”

Robyn Cahill OAM, Port Darwin

Robyn is one of the most experienced professionals in the Territory healthcare sector. A former Executive Director of the Australian Medical Association, Robyn has run the Darwin Private Hospital, and now runs the GP superclinic.
Her charity work includes chairing the NT Cancer Council and working with NT Hospice and Palliative Care to deliver the first in Darwin. She currently volunteers her time chairing Total Recreation, a charity that gives people with disabilities the support to do the things we take for granted and enjoy everyday.
When Robyn moved to the Territory with her now husband Len, and raised her two boys here, it was a different place. Business was booming, opportunities were endless and hard work was rewarded.
“The NT I came to has disappeared, the opportunities and choices continue to decline, businesses aren’t starting, they're shutting, we can’t keep going this way.”
“The healthcare system is in crisis, we can’t attract and retain the professionals we need, practices are closing and elective surgery wait times are ridiculous. To fix it we need strong economic and population growth and I know the CLP team can achieve it.”

Helen Secretary, Nightcliff

Senior Larrakia Elder Helen Secretary has been fighting for the Territory for generations. A mother of 7 with 10 grandchildren, she has every reason to fight for a better future for all Territorians. Helen’s extensive experience as chairperson of Gwala Daraniki Association and involvement across a range of economic and social organisations gives her a key insight into how we can better grow the Territory.
“I put my hand up to fight for the people of Nightcliff because I am a proud local and I want to be part of the solution to making the Territory safe and the place of opportunity.”
“I am not afraid to call out Labor for its failures and my focus will be on making sure youths and their parents are held accountable, that Darwin continues to grow and that kids are going to school.”
“The CLP is about empowering Territorians to achieve their dreams and take responsibility for their future, and I am proud to have the opportunity to represent the people of Nightcliff.”

Laurie Zio, Fannie Bay

Laurie Zio is not going to stand by and watch the Territory be dragged backwards under Labor. She has put up her hand to make a change and be part of the solution. Having moved to the Territory as a teenager with her family who pursued an opportunity in Alice Springs, she knows that the Territory can be better. A wife of a serving police officer and mother of 3, she is focused on fighting for safer streets, economic growth and quality education for our kids.
“I have put up my hand to take on Brent Potter because he has not been accountable to the people of Fannie Bay for his failure to support our police, hold criminals accountable and create a safe and strong environment for the business community.”
“The electorate of Fannie Bay is diverse and my background in education means I understand the importance of a quality education and safe schools for our kids.”
“In 1994 when I moved to the Territory as a 14 year old, this was the place of opportunity. Under Labor the Territory is going backwards.”
“I am a good listener, I want change in August for my family and families in Fannie Bay who are tired of being told that this is the new normal.”

Attributable for Lia Finocchiaro, CLP Parliamentary Leader

CLP Parliamentary Leader Lia Finocchiaro welcomed the new candidates “Today marks an important step in the campaign as we take the fight to Labor and show Territorians that we are ready to govern for a Safe and Strong Territory.”
“The diversity of our team is a great strength and I know our deep connection into the community is what sets us apart from Labor who are hiding from their failures”
“Territorians can look at our candidates and have confidence that they will be strong voices fighting for a change of government so that we can change the Territory.”

Attributable for Shane Stone, CLP President

“We have been inundated by experienced and passionate people wanting to run for the CLP.
“We’ve preselected a diverse team of the highest calibre and every single one of them is sick of what Labor has done to the Territory and is putting their hand up to make a change.”

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