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Crime: Under Labor, Lives and Livelihoods are at Risk

January 19, 2024

Media Release from Deputy Leader of the Opposition Gerard Maley

Crime is out of control.

Alice Springs businesses in the town centre went into a snap lock down at 10.30am in broad daylight this morning due to armed clashes on the streets involving members of the community, brandishing machetes, nulla-nulla’s and edged weapons.

Residents were advised to avoid the CBD, some commenting they had never felt so scared.

On 2 January 2024, it was reported that Chief Minister Eva Lawler was…

‘Confident crime issues in Alice Springs are under control’

In Darwin off the back of yesterday’s ram raid crime sprees another serious crime has been reported in the Darwin CBD overnight with a woman allegedly sexual assaulted.

Territorians live in fear and despite what members of the Labor Government have tried to tell them, crime is not perception and it’s not gossip, it is real and escalating.

Government Crimes statistics to November 2023 released today, show how out of touch Eva Lawler really is.

Since 2016 under the Territory Labor Government, Territory wide crime statistics show:

  • Robbery, extortion and related offences

235.92% ^

  • Domestic violence assaults


  • Homicide and related offences


  • House break-ins


  • Acts intended to cause injury


  • Total offences against the person


  • Commercial break-ins


  • Alcohol-related assaults


  • Property damage offences


  • Total property offences


  • Abduction, harassment and other offences


  • Dangerous or negligent acts endangering persons


  • Sexual assault and related offences


  • Theft and related offences (other than MV)


  • Motor vehicle theft and related offences


Under Labor we are witnessing a complete collapse of social order, and the safety of Territorians lives and livelihoods are at risk.

Only the CLP has a plan to take back control of our streets, rebuild the Territory’s reputation and get our economy moving forward.

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