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Estimates Day 4: Natasha Fyles says crime isn’t her responsibility

June 19, 2023

Media release from the Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro:

Today every Territorian has learned why crime is out of control in the Territory, their Chief Minister Natasha Fyles does not think it is her responsibility.

Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro said “Today my questions were the questions that Territorians wanted answers to, and Natasha Fyles showed she is out of touch.”

“Any Territorian watching today should be outraged as Natasha Fyles refused to answer my questions on community safety.”

“Despite issuing a press release on the 28th of March claiming she would ‘stamp out knife crime’, she batted away questions on why knife crime has increased.”

The Leader of the Opposition said the message Natasha Fyles sent today was “If you can’t sleep safely tonight, know that community safety is not the top priority for Natasha Fyles.”

“We know that Natasha Fyles cares more about managing the media than managing the Territory, and today that was on full display. This Chief Minister is happy to take credit for a press release but takes no responsibility for failing to deliver on these promises.”

“In a further embarrassing display of her lack on planning around crime, she took up the time of the estimates process to read from the 2 page budget fact sheet which apparently encompasses Labor’s intentions, no wonder it is only two pages.”

Some questions Natasha Fyles refused to answer:

  • How many Territorians have lost their life at the hands of a criminal?
  • How many Territorians have lost their life due to knife crime?
  • Since your plan to ‘Stamp out knife crime’ has knife crime increased or decreased?
  • How are you measuring the effectiveness of your announcements?

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