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Health under Labor: Surgery Wait Times Increase

January 29, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Minister for Health Bill Yan

Territorians continue to feel the pain under the Lawler Labor Government's management of the Territory health system, which is struggling to meet the demand for non-urgent elective surgeries.

Since 2016, the median wait time for Territorians choosing to undergo a medical procedure in the Northern Territory has increased by 54%, resulting in an average wait time of 316 days.

Medium wait times for non-urgent elective surgeries at:

  • Royal Darwin Hospital up by 113% (403 days)
  • Palmerston Regional Hospital up by 32% (386 days)
  • Gove Hospital up by 42% (327 days)
  • Katherine Hospital (No procedures)
  • Alice Springs Hospital up by 51% (148 days)

After a damaging seven-years in government, Territory Labor has allowed a distressing progression of worsening circumstances. The level of non-urgent elective surgeries conducted in the Territory has plummeted by a staggering 37%.

In stark contrast, the number of individuals undergoing non-urgent elective surgeries in Australia's public hospitals has increased by 81.6% during the same period.

This glaring discrepancy sheds light on the substantial challenges faced by Northern Territory hospitals, pushing more individuals to opt for interstate travel to seek non-urgent medical attention. It’s not ok for Territorians to think, if in pain - catch a plane.

Territorians deserve a higher standard of healthcare accessibility, and it is evident that our current health system is faltering. The relentless burden of disease in the Territory is exerting tremendous strain on our healthcare infrastructure, with alcohol-related harm inundating emergency departments and devouring the available surge capacity.

Furthermore, there exists a palpable shortage of frontline healthcare providers, exacerbating the challenges faced by our health system. The time has come for a concerted effort to address these pressing issues and ensure the well-being of our community.

The CLP has a Plan for Safe and Strong Territory, to take back control of our streets, rebuild the Territory’s reputation and get our economy moving forwards.

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