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Labor: 8 Years of Energy Insecurity

April 23, 2024

Joint Media Release from Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro and Shadow Minister for Renewables and Energy Josh Burgoyne

Labor has had 8 years to deliver security of gas supply so that Territorians can keep the lights on, and they have failed.

Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro said, “Territorians know Labor cancelled its annual conference to avoid a public fight on gas because their Party do not support an onshore gas industry.”

“It took a blackout of 20,000 customers to get Labor to the point where they are securing supply from 2026, but it all hinges on the Government being able to deliver the industry to the Territory, something that is uncertain.”

In February Santos Chief Executive Kevin Gallagher told guests at the Energy Club lunch that, “Until we tighten up the [regulations] until approval means approval, it’s very difficult to see [investment]. Would I be throwing a lot of capital into the Beetaloo right now? Not on your Nellie because I don’t know when I’m ever going to get a return on it.”

Shadow Minister for Renewables and Energy, Josh Burgoyne said, “Territorians do not trust Labor to deliver the energy security they need for the future. If it wasn’t for Labor’s failures, Territorians would be benefiting from onshore gas right now.”

The hollow promises under Eva Lawler continue as the election looms closer but with a track record of failure, Territorians will not be taken for fools.

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