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Labor failing to keep Territorians safe

April 24, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Steven Edgington

Reports in today’s NT News that a judge gave a slap on the wrist for a violent assault that resulted in spinal fractures is the result of Eva Lawler and Chansey Paech weakening laws and removing consequences for offending.

In March 2023, Attorney General Chansey Paech introduced legislation which has failed to protect the victim of this violent assault.

Before March 2024 this offender would have been subject to minimum mandatory sentencing.

Chief Justice Michael Grant has scathingly criticised the Local Court judge who only fined the offender and did not record a conviction. CJ Grant stated the decision was ‘nonsensical’ and ‘plainly wrong’.

It seems to me because of the Chansey Paech led change to the law, the Chief Justice was prevented from overturning the decision.

There is a chronic lack of consequences for offenders under Labor that have watered down police powers and removed consequences for people who do the wrong thing.

The Lawler Labor Government puts the rights of criminals above the rights of Territorians.

The CLP will fix Labor’s weak laws and support victims of crime.

We are listening to Territorians and will continue to put forward laws to make the Territory safer, including stronger bail, mandatory sentencing, and give police more powers to better deal with crime.

A CLP Government will deliver a Safe, Strong Territory by taking back control of our streets, rebuilding the Territory’s reputation and getting our economy moving forwards.

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