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Labor Has Completely Forgotten Agriculture

May 20, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Minister for Agribusiness and Fisheries Josh Burgoyne:

The Territory’s $938 million agriculture1 industry knows where it stands with Labor, after Eva Lawler failed to mention the industry during her Budget speech, while simultaneously cutting its budget.

Agriculture is a key pillar of the Territory’s economy, but Labor has shown how little it values agriculture, fisheries and biosecurity with a whopping cut of $15 million.

The CLP team is focused on playing to our natural strengths and getting back to basics. We will unashamedly pursue agriculture as well as mining, gas, defence and tourism as our key economic priorities.

Under Labor, all we get is more of the same, not changing the game.

Labor has been caught out once again re-announcing previous funding commitments that they continue to fail to deliver.

Examples of where Labor has re-announced the same funding for the same undelivered projects are:

  • $5.9 million - Emerging agribusiness precinct at Gunn Pt, announced in 2022
  • $30 million - Katherine agribusiness hub, announced in 2019.

We must unlock our agricultural resources through simple, well regulated frameworks that give certainty and let investors know that the Territory is open for business. The CLP will speed up approvals, we have the ambitious target to halve all approval timeframes across government. We know the industry needs investment in roads, research and development.

The CLP will support the development of thousands of square kilometres of crop-ready land capable of producing fruits, vegetables and nuts.

If elected, the CLP will work with the Australian Government to increase the zone tax offset, as well as expand the Designated Area Migration Agreement and change migration rules to allow the industry to hire more skilled workers from overseas.

Our tax relief for small business will also support our farmers and pastoralists to grow and innovate.

Only the CLP has a plan to grow our economy and make Territorians safe. By rebuilding the Territory’s reputation as a safe place to live, work and invest, we will create jobs and opportunities for everyone to benefit from.

Source 1. ABS - Australian National Accounts: State Accounts – 2022-23

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