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Labor’s Appalling Neglect: Children Left in Limbo Due to Shocking Wait Times

January 16, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Minister for Health Bill Yan

In a damning revelation, the Lawler Labor Government's failure to address the dire state of child development services has left vulnerable children and their families stranded.

In calling out Labor’s failure, Shadow Health Minister, Bill Yan said, “Their incompetence is clear in the shocking response to questions about wait times for essential health services.”

When asked - What is the current average wait time…?

The Government said – ‘…There is no system which allows data to report accurately on waiting times.’

Despite numerous requests for transparency, the Lawler Labor Government has failed to provide accurate data on average wait times after referral for critical appointments with child development teams, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and specialists for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), and learning difficulties.

The Government however provided estimated wait times.

Estimated wait times for child development teamsCDT DarwinSP estimated wait timesOT estimated wait timesPT estimated wait timesDevelopmental diagnostic clinic (Paediatrician referral in only)0-5yrs (prior to full time school)6 mths6 mths2 mths6 mths5-18yrs (full time school)13 mths18 mths2 mthsCDT Alice Springs*SP estimated wait timesOT estimated wait timesPT estimated wait timesDevelopmental diagnostic clinic (Paediatrician referral in only)0-5yrs (prior to full time school)9 mths14 mths7 mths6 mths5-18yrs (full time school)20 mths24 mths7 mthsData provided by the Northern Territory Department of Health*

Speech Pathologist (SP), Occupational Therapist (OT), Physiotherapist (PT)*

Mr Yan said the lack reporting on waiting times in these areas is yet another clear indication of the government's mismanagement of our health system.

“These issues are not only due to a poorly managed system but the shortage of health professionals in these areas. Labor’s failure to both keep and attract vital healthcare workers comes down to the decreasing liveability on their watch,” Mr Yan said

“There is nothing more important than the future of our kids, and access to these services early can have a huge impact on their development.”

“Families who are unable to get these services for their kids are looking to move interstate. We cannot grow our population without being able to provide essential healthcare.” Mr Yan said.

A CLP led government will prioritise the health and future of Territory children by taking back control of our streets, rebuilding our reputation and get our economy moving forwards.

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