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More Code Yellows Highlight Labor Failures

March 28, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Health Minister Bill Yan

Royal Darwin and Palmerston Hospitals have just been plunged into yet another Code Yellow, marking the 7th code yellow in the last 12 months.

Data came out last week that the Territory lost 668 people who were fed up in the territory and moved interstate.

Undoubtedly many of those who left the territory are our hard-working health professionals, who have been unsupported by a Labor Government that continues to fail to address the root causes of pressure on our hospital system.

Our hospitals will continue to plunge from crisis to crisis if Labor doesn’t take action to drive down excessively high rates of crime and alcohol abuse.

That is why the CLP is so focused on giving our police greater powers and making our community safe.

We cannot have a thriving economy, growing population, a strong health system, if we cannot recruit and retain health professionals to live and work in the territory.

We also know that alcohol plays a major role in poor health outcomes and in alcohol-related harm which continues to put pressure on our emergency departments.

That is why the CLP will deliver compulsory alcohol treatment so that we target the excessive demand for alcohol across the territory.

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