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Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price Media Statement: Albanese’s game, set and match for Territorians.

February 8, 2023

The people of the Northern Territory suffer no fools, and this week we have been let down by the Prime Minister of Australia, and by the Northern Territory Fyles Labor Government.

Their game is to lead us as Territorians into believing that the proposed Constitutional National advisory body called a ‘voice’ will be the winner in providing solutions to address Indigenous disadvantage. What Prime Minister Albanese doesn’t know is that Territorians have been subject to Aboriginal nepotistic governance structures for decades that thrive in environments like Aboriginal organisations and bureaucracy. We have seen and lived with this model of decision making for decades of Aboriginal bureaucratic representation, we know it does not work. Our streets show us this.

The Albanese Labor Government have gone ahead and set government priorities based on city attitudes and not listened to the one place that has the highest population of Aboriginal people in Australia. Over 30% of our population is Aboriginal and we don’t get a fair go, the truth is our vote won’t be counted in the Referendum because that’s how a referendum works, we are a Territory and only the States are counted. Despite this, they exploit our circumstances to justify the need for a ‘Voice’.

What we need are ears, enough talking, we need listening.

When the Leader of the Opposition came to the Northern Territory and stayed for a week, he saw for himself the despair. He listened to everyday Territorians. Not influenced by funding or politics he acted and called for a Royal Commission into the Sexual Abuse of Children in the Northern Territory.

When the NT Labor Governments massive failure to keep Territorians safe forced Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to come to Alice Springs, he didn’t even allow for the Member for Lingiari’s voice to be heard when addressing the media. His limited hours on the ground was noted by the community.

The failure of the Prime Minister to urgently address serious alcohol related crime across Northern Territory communities, including child sexual abuse, family violence, assaults, property damage and theft, has demonstrated that he has not lived up to his pre-election promise that he won’t “pose for photos and then disappear when there’s a job to be done”.

This is why, I as the Senator for the Northern Territory am introducing a Private Senator’s Bill. The Northern Territory Safe Measures Bill 2023 will ensure that this Labor Australia Government doesn’t think it is match over. This is not a game, and our circumstances deserve just as much of his time as the three nights he spent watching a tennis match enjoying a beverage after only spending a few hours witnessing our crisis.

The Albanese Labor Government is responsible in not holding the failures of the Northern Territory Labor Government to account. They just can’t be trusted to keep us safe. How many more lives must be lost, how many more media frenzies do we need in every town and community to get them to listen. We need ears not a voice.

Media Contact: Heidi Williamson 0447307884

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