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Shocking Data Reveals Assaults on NTPS Employees

May 20, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Treasurer and Shadow Minister for Public Employment Bill Yan:

Almost 1000 Northern Territory Public Service (NTPS) employees have been the victim of an assault whilst at work under Labor.

Data shows that between 1 July 2022 to 31 March 2023:

  • 959 NTPS employees were subjected to an assault or had been subjected to criminal behaviour whilst performing their work activities
  • 23 NTPS employees required time off work due to being assaulted or subjected to criminal behaviour whilst at work
  • 975 days “off work” were recorded due to NTPS employees being subject to an assault or criminal behaviour whilst at work
  • 17 NTPS employees are currently off work due to being subject to an assault or criminal behaviour whilst at work.

Comparatively, NTPS employees were 10 times more likely per capita than their QLD counterparts to be subjected to an assault whilst performing their work activities, according to a 2020 Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council report.

The CLP introduced legislation in the March 2022 sittings of parliament to toughen laws for assaults on workers, Labor voted it down.

We have a very clear message for Territory workers: we value you and believe that penalties for assaulting a worker should be higher.

The CLP will:

  • introduce mandatory minimum sentencing for assaults on workers
  • reverse the government's disastrous bail laws by making sure that serious violent offenders start with a position of no bail
  • make breach of bail conditions an offence
  • lower the age of criminal responsibility so that young people and their parents can be held accountable for their crimes.

A CLP Government will deliver a Safe, Strong Territory by taking back control of our streets, rebuilding the Territory’s reputation and get our economy moving forwards.

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