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Treaty like Voice, is another distraction by Labor from their two decades of failure

October 18, 2023

Media statement from the Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro:

On Saturday Territorians overwhelmingly voted against Labor’s Canberra Voice, which as the Prime Minister stated was the first step in Voice, Treaty, Truth-Telling.

Territory Labor spent 18 months campaigning for something that would never deliver for Territorians, instead of doing their job and acting on the important issues.

It is astonishing that Natasha Fyles immediately after the resounding defeat of the Voice, said her focus was to deliver Treaty.

Natasha Fyles has made Treaty her priority instead of listening to Territorians who are crying out for practical policies that improve people’s lives.

The CLP is listening to Territorians when they say they want the government to fix the crime crisis, drive down cost of living and grow our economy.

The CLP has heard loud and clear that Aboriginal Territorians living in the bush have suffered under two decades of Labor, who removed Aboriginal control of their communities with destructive changes to local government in 2008.

That is why the CLP if elected next year, will reform local government so that Aboriginal Territorians have local control of their communities to deliver for their people.

We reject Labor’s move towards Treaty. Territorians need less talk and more action, and that’s why the CLP will not be distracted from delivering practical policies that improve lives.

Natasha Fyles is ignoring Territorians by moving from Voice to Treaty.

In stark contrast to Labor, the CLP does not support Treaty, because we are listening and value action over words. The CLP will empower Aboriginal Territorians by acting on their calls for widespread changes to local government that give back control to their communities.

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