Labor votes down inquiry into Police AGAIN

This morning Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro, for the 7th time, fought for an Inquiry into our police crisis. There is urgent need for an Inquiry into our police force to examine the health and wellbeing of our police, resourcing, police numbers, morale and leadership – particularly at a time when there is no Police Commissioner.…


Water Security Water shortages and the lack of water security threaten every aspect of life in the Territory. Whether it is a lack of accessible drinking water in communities or outstations or water to drive the agriculture, mining, manufacturing and cattle industries—water security will determine the future of the Territory. In order to grow our…

Lia Finocchiaro – Budget in Reply

**CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY**   Mr Speaker, this is not the Territory I know and love. This is not the Territory I grew up in. And it does not have to be the Territory of the future. Yesterday’s budget was an opportunity for Territory Labor to deliver on the cries for change, the cries for help…

Include common weapons – it’s common sense

Labor’s proposed bail reform Bill is a case of false advertising, according to Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro. “This Bill is not what was advertised in the media release and the announcement by Chief Minister Natasha Fyles yesterday,” Mrs Finocchiaro said. “Labor is using deliberately tricky wording to hide the fact the Bill, you…


The Country Liberal Party has endorsed Deputy Mayor, Tiwi Islands Regional Council Leslie Tungatalum as the candidate for the Arafura by-election. Leslie also holds senior roles across the electorate of Arafura including Chairman of Bathurst Island Housing Association (BIHA), Director to the Board of the NT Aboriginal Investment Corporation (NTAIC) who are responsible for investing…